YuYu Long Hot / Cool Water Bottle- For sports and injury recovery
The Recovery YuYu Bottle is designed with a water-resistant lining with zip closure, so when you ice your YuYu rubber bottle, the condensation stays inside the water-resistant lining and not on you!
Ways to use the YuYu Bottle
1. For the ULTIMATE eco cool down
Freeze time: 2-4+ hours
Fill bottle half-way and freeze for 2-4+ hours or until icy and slushy. Then wrap it, hug it or sling it around your body to give you an eco cool down, and get you through those hot days and nights.
Cool down in bed and go green by turning your AC off and cool down the natural way. Take your YuYu to bed to keep your entire body cool—or just lay by your feet—throughout the night and wake up feeling refreshed!
The new design works great for your sore muscles and joints to reduce inflammation and swelling.
2. A traditional YuYu warm up (best used with a padded cover)
Heating time: Fill bottle with approximately 1.5 litres of water (about half-way) with water that’s just off the boil.